Home Office Cabinet Painting Mistakes To Avoid In Unionville, PA
When you’re looking to improve the look of your home office, you may not realize it but it’s entirely possible that your cabinets are bringing down the look of the room overall.
The issue is that though you might do well by painting your home office cabinet rather than replacing them entirely, you will still want to be careful and avoid certain key painting mistakes during the process of painting them.
The good thing to know is that you can definitely avoid these mistakes if you learn about them in advance and take the time to make sure that you successfully avoid them.
With that being the case, let’s have a look at some home office cabinet painting mistakes to avoid when you want well painted home office cabinets.
1. Leaving The Hardware On
One of the mistakes that people make when they’re looking to paint their home office cabinets is to leave the hardware on, which causes a couple of issues.
One of these is that you are much more likely to get paint on the hardware itself, even if you take the measures you will need to cover the hardware with painter’s tape.
By removing the hardware on your cabinet, you are going to do a much better job painting it and there’s a chance you will see the cabinet sans hardware and come to realize that there is better hardware that you can use in its place — an improvement on what you already had.
2. Using The Wrong Kind Of Paint
Though you are going to be painting home office cabinets, you have to be careful about the kind of paint you use for the painting process — starting from remembering that you’re painting an interior space, you are going to want to make use of interior paint.
Moreover, it’s important to remember that you are going to want to more easily clean your cabinets on occasion and as a result it’s good to make use of paint that is easier to clean and does not make the cleaning process difficult.
Particularly, this means you are going to want to use a glossier paint because those can be wiped clean with a damp towel but if you make use of an entirely flat paint you may find that your paint is being removed as well as dirt or grime that is on the surface of the cabinets.
3. Rushing To Paint Before Surfaces Are Dry
Though you may have a look at your cabinets and realize how much time a cabinet painting project is going to take you, that doesn’t mean that you should rush through the process of painting and just apply primer or paint to surfaces that are not fully dry.
Some of the biggest painting issues that you can find yourself having stem from trying to apply paint to a surface that is not fully dry — and these can be the kinds of issues that will cause you to need to start your painting project all over again.
In every occasion where your cabinet gets even remotely wet, you will need to wait for the surface to then fully dry before going onto the next step in the process or you will almost certainly regret having done so.
4. Not Considering More Than One Color
Lastly, you should realize that you are going to be able to make use of more than one color if that is what you are going to want to do for your painting project.
Be sure that the colors that you choose for your cabinets complement one another or look good together — and you can likely do this well by taking a few samples of paint from the store and applying them to your cabinet — that way you will be able to see how they really look on the cabinet.
Consider hiring a professional painting contractor in Kennett Square, PA like Left Moon Painting. We have years of experience offering residential repainting services in Kennett Square, PA. If you would like to try us, request a FREE estimate below to get started, or call us at (484) 757-5295 for more information.
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Home Office Cabinet Painting Tips In Kennett Square, PA