7 Colors To Paint Your Bathroom Walls in West Chester, PA
One of the biggest challenges when you’re painting just about any room in your home (or even when you’re painting your home exterior) is to pick a good color or colors.
This can be sometimes complicated when you’re looking to paint a room like the bathroom, which can sometimes be only lit up by electric rather than natural light sources, making the color or colors you choose look a bit different to say the least (especially depending on what kind of electric lights you use!)
Sometimes all you need to help you make a decision on this kind of thing is to have some suggestions in front of you, though ultimately it will be more helpful to get some samples and see how they really look in the room.
With that being the case, let’s look at seven colors to paint your bathroom walls in West Chester, PA
1. Green
Green can be one of the more popular colors that you’re going to be able to paint your bathroom walls, though if you are not careful with the tint, you may end up with a green that looks like it belongs in a television studio rather than a bathroom at home.
There are many other shades of green from which you can choose, quite a few of which will be more natural as it were and therefore perhaps look a bit more in place in your bathroom.
As you can probably guess, some of the nicest greens come from nature, but if you prefer those that have that certain 1970’s appeal you are certainly welcome to use them as it is after all your home.
2. Blue
Speaking of nature, you’re going to find a lot of inspiration from nature when you choose to paint your bathroom walls blue.
Of course, when you go for a blue wall color scheme you can look to the seas or perhaps even the sky – and what a pleasant sight that is to behold!
3. Teal
Teal is a lovely color for your bathroom walls and can be best described as a sort of a cyan green, and you can think about how it looks a lot like certain sorts of rocks.
4. White
Of all the colors to paint your bathroom, you may be thinking that white is going to be among the least interesting, and if that is the case it might not be right for you.
However, you should bear in mind that when you have a more plain color for your walls, that means that you’re going to be able to perhaps more easily put up decorations in the room that aren’t going to clash with the color of the walls.
5. Greige
Greige is one of those sort of fun colors that you may not have heard of, but it’s actually a nice mix of the colors grey and beige.
With that being true, it’s kind of like getting the best of having a wall that is somewhat colorful but at the same time still retains some of the qualities of being neutral.
6. Tan
A tan wall is the kind of wall that you’re really going to appreciate in your bathroom if you really want to go with a neutral color above all else, yet not go nearly as gray as when you might choose a gray or even a greige.
It’s still not quite all that colorful, so if you want a hit more color you may want to go with another color choice.
7. Pink
Lastly, you may want to think about painting your bathroom pink — which sounds like it’s quite a bold move on your part but you can rest assured that this is not necessarily the case.
The thing that you have to remember is that there are quite a few shades of pink and that a lot of them are going to give your bathroom a more fun look without looking too much like that one aisle in the toy store.
Consider hiring a professional painting contractor in West Chester, PA like Left Moon Painting. We have years of experience offering residential repainting services in Kennett Square, PA, and West Chester PA. If you would like to try us, request a FREE estimate below to get started, or call us at (484) 757-5295 for more information.
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