Avoiding Early Paint Peeling In Your Living Room In Kennett Square, PA
When you’re looking to paint your living room, one thing that you are likely going to want to consider is the way that the paint work you do will last overall over time.
A rather unfortunate thing that can sometimes happen when you paint a room such as the living room is that paint can sometimes start to peel, leading to you needing to take steps to correct the peeling.
With that being the case, let’s have a look at some tips for avoiding early paint peeling in your living room when you want a well painted living room.
1. Using The Wrong Combination Primer And Paint
One basic thing that causes paint to peel is the use of the wrong combination of primer and paint — and find out that the combination is bad when they see that their paint is peeling.
The combination of oil and water, for example, much like in a large glass will lead to the paint peeling — and it may not even be that long before you find out that the combination is no good.
By making sure to research the primer and paint combination that you are going to use, you can certainly avoid the absolute catastrophe of your paint and primer separating.
2. Not Cleaning Before You Paint
Though to some extent you are going to greatly benefit from having paint and primer on your walls and it will look much differently than how your living room looked previously, that doesn’t mean that you can just apply paint to your primer covered walls without first cleaning your walls.
Indeed, if you do not clean prior to applying that coat of primer, you are going to find that issues will come thanks to this lack of cleaning, and the peeling of your paint is one of them.
Additionally, you will find that your walls are going to just not look nearly as good as if you first cleaned your walls and allowed a good amount of time for your walls to dry prior to painting them.
3. Not Letting Your Surfaces Dry
Speaking of allowing surfaces to dry, you have to allow your surfaces to fully dry before you move on to any given next step in the painting process.
If you have recently cleaned your living room walls, for example, and you do not allow your walls to fully dry before moving on you will find that your paint is much more likely to ultimately peel.
The best thing that you can do when you’re looking to paint your living room is to make sure that you have allowed your surfaces to fully dry before you get to the next step in the painting process.
The issue is that water will interfere with your paint or primer and actually get in between layers of paint and primer and ultimately lead to the paint peeling and making your living room looking that much worse.
4. Using Poor Quality Paint
Lastly, you should realize that if you use poor quality paint there is a good chance that it is ultimately going to peel after you have applied the primer and paint and allowed it all to dry.
There is quite a difference between paint that is even okay in quality and paint that is not so good — you are much more likely to find issues making use of the poor quality paint than if you make use of paint that is of moderate quality.
To avoid this kind of problem, you are going to want to be on the lookout for poor quality paint when you are looking to purchase your paint and avoid it, even if it means that your project is ultimately going to cost a bit more because you will greatly reduce the chances of peeling paint and having to restart your project.
Consider hiring a professional painting contractor in Kennett Square, PA like Left Moon Painting. We have years of experience offering residential repainting services in Kennett Square, PA. If you would like to try us, request a FREE estimate below to get started, or call us at (484) 757-5295 for more information.
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