Loft Painting Tricks You Need in Kennett Square, PA
If you have a loft area, you may occasionally look around the area thinking about how you may want to improve it — after all, a good loft area is a place where you are going to enjoy spending time with family and friends alike, perhaps hosting a movie or game night and spending hours basking in the pleasantness that is each other’s good company.
You very well may look around, for example, and just notice that it has been quite a long time since your loft walls have been painted — and perhaps you don’t even know or recognize the most recent time that the walls were painted, which is probably a good sign that the time to paint them has come once more.
With that being the case, and in the interest of helping you get your loft painted well, let’s now have a look at some loft painting tricks you need in Kennett Square, PA
1. Use The Right Kind Of Paint
One thing that you’re going to want to bear in mind when you’re painting your loft is that it’s important that you use the right sort of paint.
Since you are painting a room on the interior of your home, you should probably be able to figure out that you’re going to be making use of interior paint – as you can imagine, there’s more to it than just that.
If you recognize that there’s going to be a need to clean the walls on a somewhat regular basis (take for example if you have some up and coming artists in the home who like to occasionally scribble) you are going to want to make use of a paint that is glossy, as those are easier to clean.
2. Clean Before You Paint
Speaking of cleaning, you’re going to want to fully clean the surface that is going to be painted well before you start actually applying the primer that will be going onto the walls, let alone the paint that will subsequently be applied.
Though some might want to have you believe that paint is the end all when it comes to getting your walls to look their best, you have to understand that if you don’t have clean walls all you’re going to be doing is getting your walls to look like they are dirty with a coat of paint on top of them.
3. Cut In On The Edges
There’s a great technique in painting known as cutting wherein you take your paintbrush that you are using to apply your primer and your paint and you apply paint to the edges by the floor and the ceiling.
This is because you are going to have significantly more precise control of the paint that you are applying there than you would with your paint roller.
Once you have applied this paint and you have the perimeter of the surface being painted pretty well handled, you’re going to be able to make use of the paint roller to fill in the rest of the area fairly easily.
4. Two Coats Of Paint
Lastly, you should be well aware of the fact that just because you might want to only apply one coat of paint, it doesn’t mean that this will be enough paint for your painting project.
It’s entirely possible, for example, if your previous color were darker that even with some primer you are going to have to make use of two coats of paint to get your loft adequately painted.
When this is the case, you’re pretty much going to have to allow time for your first coat of paint to fully dry and then apply a second coat of paint.